AAT decision – sc188 visa extension

AAT decision – sc188 visa extension

July 13, 2023
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What can go wrong with sc188 visa extension if you have already set up several businesses in Australia? Everything or close to everything.  The initial intention was for the spouse as the main applicant to apply for sc888 visa, so all businesses were set up in the spouse’s name. By the time sc888 visa was to be lodged and the sc188 visa was about to expire, not much paperwork was available due to a bad business partnership and the external accountant’s bad practice. Clients had no choice, but to lodge sc188 extension. However, the online visa lodgement system failed to recognise the spouse as the primary applicant for the extension, so the application was lodged by the original primary applicant in the hurry. During AAT review stage, we had to request several extensions and two tribunal hearings, with two groups of accountants and auditors were involved, several ASIC amendments and searches were done at the same time. Evidence included several company operations and accounting information for at least 6 years was presented before we secured a positive outcome from the AAT.  The lesson learnt here – keep away from bad business partners and accounting practice.

Reported by [email protected]