Australia - India Free Trade Agreement to commence

Australia – India Free Trade Agreement to commence

December 16, 2022
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Australia – India Free Trade Agreement to commence

An exciting news for Indian Passport holders who can be eligible for relaxed visa requirements and access to more visa options such as subclass 462 (Work and Holiday Program) visas.

The Australia – India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AIECTA) will commence from 29 December 2022 following both countries completing their domestic arrangements to bring the agreement into operation.

Once this Free Trade Agreement (FTA) have been implemented, this means:

  1. India will be added to the list of countries who are exempt from specified labour market testing (LMT) requirements for certain occupations in relation to the TSS (subclass 482) visa. However, these flexible arrangements cannot be accessed until the relevant legislative instruments have been updated accordingly.
  2. Australia will provide one thousand (1000) subclass 462 (first) Work and Holiday Program visas each year for Indian nationals aged between 18 to 31 years old.
  3. Indian students who graduate with First Class Honours bachelor’s degrees in STEM fields (including ICT) will be eligible for an additional year on post-study (subclass 485) visas, allowing these students to remain in Australia on this visa type for three years (3 years) total.

If you have any enquiry about the above or any other Australian visas or migration programs, please feel free to contact our team.


Parish Patience Legal & Migration | 61-2-82976700 | [email protected]

Level 3, 123 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000
